Cemeteries Cleaning and Grave Rubbing – Karen and Blake are joined by Matt Baxter to discuss the ethics and best practices around maintaining and preserving graveyards.  Links for Grave Rubbers from CyberSpace: The article that inspired this conversation (via The Conversation) Ken Feder (friend of the show and emeritus professor of archaeology) sent along this helpful article about grave preservation. The […]

#205 – Burial Practice Makes Perfect

Download Episode (right-click, Save As) Tana’s Thesis: Paying Respects: Death, Commodity Culture, and the Middle Class in Victorian London. Death Photos of the Victorian Age – memento mori  The Catholic incorruptible saints British “natural death” burial laws Garden Cemeteries The Cremation Society (behind the 1902 UK Cremation Act) The Highgate Vampire case of the early 1970s Nicholas Cage’s pyramid tomb […]