Cemeteries Cleaning and Grave Rubbing – Karen and Blake are joined by Matt Baxter to discuss the ethics and best practices around maintaining and preserving graveyards.
Links for Grave Rubbers from CyberSpace:
The article that inspired this conversation (via The Conversation)
Ken Feder (friend of the show and emeritus professor of archaeology) sent along this helpful article about grave preservation.
The woman with the pink foam (Kaeli Mae McEwen – aka “Clean Girl”) has a site where she sells the stuff.
In Atlanta – at historic Oakland Cemetery – they have community cleaning projects. They list this under an article titled “Pro Team Field Notes on Scrubbing the Surface“
Thoughts on Grave Rubbing from a blogger.
Additional Links:
Since we mentioned The Conversation, by coincidence Jeb Card got interviewed about his paranormal course at University of Ohio – check it!
Karen’s book Bitch: The Journey of a Word is out now – grab a copy! (affiliate link)
Don’t forget to grab a copy of Joe Nickell’s The Science of Monsters: Tracking the Real-Life Creatures – every sale helps MonsterTalk! (affiliate link)
And if you want to meet me at sea in the Bermuda Triangle, sign up for the Skeptoid Adventure – there’s still a few cabins left! (as of 2/1/2025)