Regular Episode
S03E29 – Three Mini Mysteries

S03E29 – Three Mini Mysteries

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Karen and Blake discuss three little mysteries they’ve run across while doing research that didn’t quite warrant an individual episode, and which might benefit from some crowd-sourcing.

Examples of “Bigfoot Tree Forts”
Colorado Site discussing

Tik-Tok Bigfoot Structures


This is a real phenomenon – example article with photos

Loren Coleman discussing MK Davis discussing Bigfoot braids (Cryptomundo)

Some examples of algorithmic analysis of biological behaviors (gScholar)

Silver and Milk Preservation:

Example of claims in modern source:  Ask A Prepper

Article about historic use of silver in baby bottles

The Oligodynamic Effect

Side-chat on Rat Kings:

An article (with some great photos) on Rat Kings

The less regal Squirrel King

Who invented Pasteurization?

The Smurfing Danger of Colloidal Silver

Emily Rosa Science-Fair Program