#014 – Ghost Bird

What happens when a creature thought to be extinct is spotted alive in the swamps of Arkansas? Can such a creature have survived? Can scientists verify the story? And when a town’s hopes and a school’s grant money are on the line, to what lengths will people go to find proof? This week on MonsterTalk we discuss these issues with Scott Crocker, […]

#013 – Getting into the Spirit of Things

What does neuroscience have to say about the possibility of consciousness or mind existing outside the body — or continuing on after the body has died? This episode’s guest is neurologist Dr. Steven Novella (veteran of on-site ghost investigations, and host of the Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe podcast, who shares his insights on brains, minds, and specters from beyond […]

#012 – Suitable for Framing

Author Greg Long discusses his book The Making of Bigfoot which chronicles his search to get to the bottom of the Patterson-Gimlin film. His findings destroy the image of Roger Patterson as a simple country man looking for Bigfoot at the right place and right time. And it provides at least one plausible answer to the question “What did Patterson film that […]

#011 – First Impressions

This week on MonsterTalk we talk with fingerprint expert and self-described Bigfoot research “cheerleader” Jimmy Chilcutt. Chilcutt, a retired Texas lawman and crime-scene investigator, came to prominence in the Bigfoot community when he joined Dr. Jeff Meldrum in the documentary Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science making the pronouncement that his research had found evidence that some Bigfoot track-castings showed signs of dermal ridges — the […]

#010 – Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum!

There were Giants in the earthin those days… —Genesis 6:1 Giants appear in cultures around the world: Biblical tales of giants more than ten feet tall; Roman and Greek stories of titans and heroes; European stories of giants of mountain and hill. They all have one thing in common: enormous monsters. On this episode of MonsterTalk we chat with archeologist […]

008 – They Came from Outer Space!

Are aliens from another planet visiting Earth? Astronomer and science writer Dr. Phil Plait seems a bit skeptical. In our discussion with Dr. Phil we cover a lot of interesting ideas including: ALH84001 — what is it and does it prove aliens have come to Earth? The role of extremophiles in the development of life on Earth? The ratio of […]


Benjamin Radford shares his findings on completion of his manuscript for his Chupacabra book. An article about his findings will be in the next issue of Fortean Times. Topics include: What is a Chupacabra according to lore? What is the history of the creature? How does it tie in with livestock mutilations? Why does it appear to have two different […]

007 – Horrifying Hybrids

In this episode, MonsterTalk examines monsters that genetically blend humans with the other. Hosts Blake Smith, Ben Radford, and Dr. Karen Stollznow explore the plausibility of alien-human hybridization, dig into the real science of genetics — and consider the ethical questions involved. Weighing in on these issues is Dr. Steven Jones — noted geneticist, teacher, and television presenter. (He is also the […]

006 – Darwin vs The Wolfman

Professor Brian Regal joins us to talk about how Darwin’s ideas of natural selection undermined the concept of transmutation of lifeforms such as in werewolf lore. In this episode For more information on pseudoscience topics covered in this episode:http://whatstheharm.net/colloidalsilver.htmlhttp://whatstheharm.net/reparativetherapy.html Episode Transcript Read a complete transcript of this episode

005 – Dr. Dave Martill & Pterosaurs

In this episode Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs, but it is believed that they are closely related. The common ancestor that would prove this relationship has yet to be found. Pterosaurs had a remarkable number of variations in their body configurations. Big and small crests, long and short tails, big variety in wingspan, dental variation and and other features existed throughout […]