S03E44 – Monstrum Talk with Dr. Emily Zarka
We’re excited to bring you an interview with Dr. Emily Zarka, host of PBS’s Monstrum series on the humanities web channel Storied.
We’re excited to bring you an interview with Dr. Emily Zarka, host of PBS’s Monstrum series on the humanities web channel Storied.
Werewolves are an ancient idea, but the meaning and beliefs around the concept have changed over time. How were they viewed in the classical world and even earlier? Find out in this week’s episode as we interview Dr. Tanika Koosmen. Dr. Koosmen’s thesis at Newcastle online archive The werewolf story in Satyricon Some movies mentioned: Van Helsing (2004) Deep Rising […]
We welcome back Dr. Justin Mullis to tell us about the interesting connection he found between Cryptozoology and the Godzilla franchise. He just appeared at G-Fest in Chicago where he spoke on this topic. Justin’s profile at Academia.Edu Justin visiting with Cian at The Lost World Podcast talking Kong Skull Island Justin writes for AIPT in NYC The Impossible Archive podcast […]
We’re joined by mosquito and disease expert Dr. Louisa Messenger of the Las Vegas PARAVEC lab. It turns out that gators and snakes aren’t the big danger in a swamp. And this monster isn’t constrained to swamps. In fact, it’s probably in your own backyard. Mosquito problem in Las Vegas How to fight Mosquitos Dr. Messenger’s Lab website Additional Reading: […]
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