Regular Episode


Allison Jornlin is a paranormal researcher and host of The Otherside podcast. She’s been diligently researching the recent (2017–present) Chicago Mothman sightings as popularized on Lon Strickler’s Phantoms and Monsters website and book. You can find all of Allison’s on-site video recordings from her Mothman research on YouTube.

Haunted Road Trip with Allison Jornlin)
Allison Jornlin

Of Interest

Per Allison, as regards our discussion of duplicate IP addresses used in some of the claims:

According to Sam Maranto from IL MUFON, of the 7 reports which were reported to MUFON as well as P&M (on the following dates: April 18, 2017; April 20, 2017; April 24, 2017, May 21st, 2017; May 30, 2017; August 4, 2017; and August 5, 2017) 2 of the first 3 came from the same IP and 3 of the last 4 came from the same IP. So 5 out of 7. Of the 7, “six had no reliable contact information) as it was either fictitious, missing, or returned. This raised flags because not many of the reports they usually receive include false contact info.

Lon was invited onto MonsterTalk to discuss the sightings, but he declined.


  • Monstertalk Theme: Monster by Peach Stealing Monkeys