Regular Episode
042 – Bad Wolf

042 – Bad Wolf

ON NOVEMBER 8, 2005 Canadian geological engineering student Kenton Carnegie went for a walk. He told people that he’d be back by 5 pm. When he hadn’t returned by 7 pm, a search party went out and discovered his remains in the woods. In this episode of Monstertalk (a follow-up to last week’s), we interview professor Valerius Geist about the true cause of Kenton Carnegie’s death. Some people thought he was killed by a bear, but more likely he was killed by a myth.

Todd Svarckopf confronting a habituated wolf, four days before the Kenton Joel Carnegie wolf attack.
Todd Svarckopf confronting a habituated wolf, four days before the Kenton Joel Carnegie wolf attack. (Photo by Chris van Gelder at Noth Point Landing Saskatchewan)

Further Reading
